theigen wishes all “International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste” – Sep 26 2023.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has underlined the fragility of our food systems, and worsened food loss and waste in many countries. We need new approaches and solutions.”-António Guterres

UN Report States : Achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 SDGs – the most ambitious development agenda in human history – requires both creativity and innovation. Green technologies – those used to produce goods and services with smaller carbon footprints – are growing and providing increasing economic opportunities but many developing countries could miss them without decisive action.

Let like-minded individuals collaborate to The International Day for Biological Diversity falls within the scope of the UN Post-2015 Development Agenda’s will provide a GREEN answer for Mother Earth

The executive committee of #igeninternationalday invites creative individuals to offer their support for #UN #SDG12 Responsible Production & Consumption And #SDG03 Good Health and well being.

If you are a contributor and would like to present your contribution to The Institution of Green Engineers community and get recognized, please submit your nomination @

Any queries’ to be communicated to Coordinator #greenFaiyaz @ 91 6287926914

#innovation #creativity

Dr B Thanuja – Head IGEN INTDAY