30th IGEN ENSAVCLUB PresidencyUniversity Bengaluru
Inaugurated IGEN ENSAVCLUB and the declaration of #SDG4PU project at the School of Computer Science Engineering & Information Science, Presidency University Bangalore
Date – 01th Aug 2023, 10:00AMπŸ•°
#IGENENSAVCLUB : The club will raise awareness about energy efficiency and educate the public about climate change issues and motivate them to implement SDG7 & SDG13 action

SDG4PU : The project goal is to raise awareness of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals among Presidency University students and urge them to take action on these goals. This project is affiliated to IGEN TALK4SDG Projects

Here are some more pictures @ album vhttps://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.302542982154644&type=3

theigen #energyconservation #sdg7 #sdgs #un